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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2002 Post Graduate Diploma Medical - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:30Web
b. change in volume and
quality of breast milk
c. Cyclic bleeding altered
d. Increased reproductive
tract infection
143. Danazol is used in the
treatment of
a. Breast cysts
b. Cyclic mastalgia
c. Acyclyic mastalgia
d. Fibrous tumour
144. The period ranging from
primary and secondary case is
known as
a. Generation time
b. Serial interval
c. Incubation period
d. Multiplying time
145. Regarding poliomyelitis
all of the subsequent are actual
a. kind I is associated with
major epidemic
b. kind I is responsible for
vaccine associated
c. It is difficult to eradicate
d. kind I is provided in higher
volume as compared to
146. A patient presented with
stridor, which he developed after
an attack of upper respiratory
tract infection. On exam
he was obtained to have a 3mm
glottic chink .All of the subsequent
are used in the management
a. Tracheostomy
b. External
c. Teflon injection
d. Cordectomy
147. Normal anion gap
metabolic acidosis is seen in
which of the subsequent
a. Renal failure
b. Diabetic ketoacidosis
c. Diarrhoea
d. Lactic acidosis
148. A 7-year child gave
history fever for which she was
treated with paracetamol
subsequent which the fever
subsided. Later she developed
seizures and altered sensorium.
The urine exam revealed
oxalate crystals on microscopy.
Blood anion and osmolality gap
were increased .The diagnosis is
a. Paracetamol poisoning
b. Dithelene glycol
c. Renal tubular acidosis
149. Chondrocalcinosis is seen
in which of the subsequent
a. Hypervitaminosis D
b. Hypoparathyroidism
c. Oochronosis
d. Rickets
150. Endogenous polypeptide
decreasing serum calcium levels
a. Calcitonin
b. Calcitriol
c. Parathormone
151. ST elevation is seen in all
of the subsequent conditions
a. Constrictive pericarditis
b. Ventricular aneurysm
c. Coronary artery spasm
d. MI
152. Which of the subsequent
physical signs is seen in a patient
with severe aortic stenosis

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