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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2001 Post Graduate Diploma PG - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:25Web
treated. To avoid future recurrence of seizure
attacks what should be provided
a) IV diazepam infusion over 12 Hrs b)
Paracetamol 400 mg + Phenobarbitone daily
c)pararacetamol 400 mg sixth Hrly d) Oral
diazepam sixth Hrly
Ans (c)
144 ) An eight year old child suffering from recurrent
attacks of polyuria since childhood presents to the
paediatrics OPD. On examination, the child is
short statured, vitals and BP are normal. Serum Cr
6 Mg %, HCO3 16 mEq , Na 134, K 4.2 On USG
bilateral small kidneys The most likely diagnosis
a) Polycystic Kidney disease b) Medullary cystic
Kidney disease c) Nephronophthisis d) Reflux
Ans (c)
145) A 40 year old male presents with recurrent
bouts of vomiting since nine months because of
pyloric obstruction. The compensatory
biochemical change is
a) Respiratory acidosis b) Respiratory alkalosis c)
Metabolic acidosis d) Paradoxical aciduria with
hypo natremia and hypo chloremia
Ans (d)
146)A diabetic female at 40 weeks of pregnancy
delivered a baby by elective CS. Soon after birth
the baby developed respiratory distress. The
diagnosis is
a) Hyaline membrane disease b) Transient
tachypnea of the newborn c) Congenital
diaphragmatic hernia d) Tracheo esophageal
Ans (a)
147)All are prognostic indicators of PIH other than
a) Serum Uric acid b) Low platelets c) Serum
Na d) Elevated liver enzymes
Ans (c)
148) In a woman on subdermal progesterone
implant , the menstrual abnormality seen is
a) Amenorrhea b) Menorrhagia c) Metrorrhagia
d) Polymenorrhoea
Ans (c)
149) Kalavathi ,a 29 year old nulliparous woman
complains of severe menorrhagia and lower
abdominal pain since three months. On examination,
there is a 14 weeks size uterus with fundal fibroid
. The treatment of option is
a) Wait and watch b) Myomectomy c) GnRH
analogues d) Hysterectomy
Ans (c)
150) A pregnant lady in the 1st trimester
presented with random blood glucose of 177 mg
/dl The treatment is
a) Insulin b) glipizide c) Phenformin d)
Ans (a)
151) In a non-diabetic high risk pregnancy, the
ideal time for NST monitoring is
a) 24 Hrs b) 48 Hrs c) 72 Hrs d) 96 Hrs
Ans (?)

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