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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2003 - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:20Web
1. Cataract.
2. Refractive errors.
3. Trachoma.
4. Vitamin A deficiency.
Ans 4
93. Under the school eye screening programme in India, the initial vision screening of school children is done by :
1. School teachers.
2. Primary level health workers.
3. Eye specialists.
4. Medical officers.
Ans 1

94. The usefulness of a screening test depends upon its :
1. Sensitivity.
2. Specificity.
3. Reliability.
4. Predictive value.

Ans 1

95. For testing the statistical significance of the difference in heights of school children among 3 socio-economic groups, the most improper statistical test is :
1. Student's 't' test.
2. Chi-squared test.
3. Paired 't' test.
4. 1 way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA).
Ans 4

96. Reservoir of Indian Kala azar is :
1. Man.
2. Rodent.
3. Canine.
4. Equine.
Ans one (new park)

97. The subsequent is actual about the term 'New Families':
1. It is a variant of the 3-generation family.
2. It is applied to all nuclear families of less then 10 years duration.
3. It is a variant of the joint family.
4. It is applied to all nuclear families of less then two years duration.
Ans two

98. A 24 year old female has flaccid bullae in the skin and oral erosions. Histopathology indicates intraepidermal acantholytic blister.The most likely diagnosis is :
1. Pemphigoid.
2. Erythema multiforme.
3. Pemphigus vulgaris.
4. Dermatitis herpetiformis.
Ans 3

99. Podophyllum resin is indicated in the treatment of :
1. Psoriasis.
2. Pemphigus.
3. Condyloma acuminata.
4. Condylomata lata.
Ans 3

100. The subsequent drug is indicated in the treatment of pityriasis versicolar :
1. Ketoconazole.
2. Metronidazole.
3. Griseofulvin.
4. Chloroquine.
Ans 3
101. Direct impact on the bone will produce a :
1. Transverse fracture.
2. Oblique fracture.
3. Spiral fracture.
4. Comminuted fracture.
Ans 4

102. All of the subsequent are seen in rickets, other than.
1. Bow legs.
2. Gunstock deformity.
3. Pot belly.
4. Cranio tabes.
Ans 2

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