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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2006 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior – II - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:20Web
(c) Integrative interdependence
(d) Reciprocal interdependence
(e) Sequential interdependence.

53. Span of control refers to the ratio of managers to subordinates. Which of the subsequent statements is/are not actual
regarding span of control?
I. In organizations having tall structures, the span of control is large.
II. In organizations having flat structures, the span of control is very small.
III. Tall structure provides an opportunity for high level of interaction ranging from the manager and the
(a) Only (I) above
(b) Only (II) above
(c) Only (III) above
(d) Both (I) and (II) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

54. Teams are formed when people from across different parts of the organization come together to accomplish a
common objective. If an organization has diverse workforce, its team will include people from various groups.
Diversity in teams will lead to development of new perspectives or can reason different issues. Which of the
subsequent is not an advantage of a diverse team?
(a) Multiple perspective
(b) Increased interpretation
(c) Greater openness to new ideas
(d) Confusion
(e) Increased flexibility.

55. In the 6 Sigma concept, the champions that work at the business unit level and oversee black belts are known
(a) Exploitation champions
(b) Employment champions
(c) Project champions
(d) Deployment champions
(e) Operation champions.

56. Although the terms power, authority and influence are often used synonymously, there is a difference ranging from
them. In this context, which of the subsequent statements is/are true?
I. Although both power and influence are an essential part of leadership, influence is more closely associated
with the function of leading than power.
II. Influence provide a person a right to change certain relationships within an organization.
III. Influence has the ability to alter reality whereas power, can only alter a person’s perceptions about reality

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