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National Law School of Indian University (NLSIU) 2008 COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST (CLAT) - , , ngalore - Question Paper

Sunday, 27 January 2013 12:50Web
(b) It protects Earth from ultraviolet radiation
(c) It maintains Earth's temperature
(d) It is a buffer against extra-terrestrial hazards

105. The World's largest river is
(a) Brahmaputra (b) Amazon (c) Nile (d) Mississippi

106. Tsunami is caused by
(a) plate tectonics (b) underwater ridges
(c) underwater volcanic activity (d) pressure from Earth's core

107. The Chipko movement is associated with
(a) preventing the felling of trees (b) afforestation
(c) transparency in public life (d) sustainable development

108. The 1st Great Indian Empire was
(a) Magadhan Empire (b) Kuru Empire (c) Pandava Empire (d) Gandhara Empire

109. The 1st President of Indian National Congress
(a) A.O. Hume (b) W.C. Banerji (c) Dadabhai Nauroji (d) Phirozeshah Mehta

110. The King who gave permission to establish East India Company in India
(a) Jahangir (b) Aurangzeb (c) Shahjahan (d) Shershah

111. The person who conceptualized the idea of Pakistan
(a) M.A. Jinnah (b) Hakim Azmal Khan
(c) Mohammad Iqbal (d) Liaqusat Ali Khan

112. Khilafat movement was organized
(a) for getting Muslim Homeland
(b) as a protest against British suppression of Turks
(c) to preserve Turkish Empire with Khilafat as temporal head
(d) as a protest against communal politics

113. The trend of Centre-State relations in India can be traced back to
(a) The U.S. Constitution (b) The Government of India Act, 1935
(c) Motilal Nehru Committee Report (d) Ambedkar's vision

114. Indian who played a very important role in World Communist Movement:
(a) Jyoti Basu (b) M.N. Roy (c) A.K. Gopalan (d) Prakash Karat

115. Who was the 1st recipient of Jnanapith award?
(a) Amrita Pritam (b) Dinkar
(c) D.V. Gundappa (d) G. Shankara Kurup

116. Name the winner of 2007 Nobel Prize for Literature
(a) Dorris Lessing (b) V.S. Naipaul (c) Doras Lessing (d) Salman Raushdie

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