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Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies 2009 CBSE CLASS X (ENGLISH ) - Question Paper

Saturday, 19 January 2013 07:10Web
crore pilgrims every year. For 41 days devotees follow a controlled life style. They
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eat only vegetarian food, refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco, and follow
personal cleanliness and celibacy. Pilgrims wear only black clothes and don't share.
Irrespective of caste, creed, social status or religious belief, anyone can worship at
the temple. All pilgrims are referred to as 'swami' during the pilgrimage. Offerings
to Ayyappa are tied in a bag with compartments known as irumudi. This contains a
ghee-filled coconut, betel leaves and nuts, and incense sticks. Pilgrims carry the
offerings on their heads throughout the arduous journey chanting the slogan'
swamiye saranam Ayyappa' which means 'oh Ayappa; I seek refuse in you'. The
18 steps to the temple represent the 18 puranas. Close to the temple's entrance,
there is a temple to a Muslim disciple. Vavar Swamy while those of 2 tribal chiefs,
kadutha swamy and karuppa swamy, are positioned on either side of the steps.
a. How did the pilgrim centre Sabrimala get its name? (1)
b. What is the controlled life style followed by the pilgrims. (1)
c. What is the significance of 'irumudi'? (1)
d. Why does the author call the journey arduous? (1)
e. Write any 2 special features of the pilgrimage. (2)
f. obtain out the words from the passage which mean the identical as the
i. house
ii. a place of worship (2)
3. Your cousin is a brilliant learner but he is not keeping good health because he
avoids homemade food and is very fond of eating outside. Write a letter telling him/
her about the harmful effects of junk food and advising him/her how to maintain
good health in not more than 100 words. You are Arpil/Arpita of C-8 Lawrence
Road, Delhi.
Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him/her to introduce interhouse
activities like quiz programmes, debates, recitation, essay-writing, painting and sports
explaining how it may be beneficial for all-round development of their personality.
You are Vineet/Vineeta, the head boy/girl of New Modern School, Amritsar.
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4. You don't approve of the ways of people as they waste a lot of water in various
activities. Even the taps in schools are not closed properly, thereby, wasting the
valuable water due to negligence and carelessness. You wish to spread

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