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Indian Institue of Management 2008 Entrance Exams Other Entrance Exams CAT - Question Paper

Sunday, 03 February 2013 12:05Web

Directions for ques. 55 to 58: In every of the questions, a word has been used in phrases in 5 various ways/ select the choice corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word incorrect inappropriate.

55. Run

1) I must run fast to catch up with him.
2) Our team scored a goal against the run of play.
3) You can’t run over him like that.
4) The newly released book is enjoying a popular run
5) This film is a run-of-the-mill production.

56. Round

1) The police fired a round of tear gas shells.
2) The shop is located round the corner.
3) We took a ride on the merry-go-round
4) The doctor is on a hospital round.
5) I shall proceed further only after you come round to admitting it.

57. Buckle

1) After the long hike our knees were beginning to buckle.
2) The horse suddenly broke into a buckle.
3) The accused did not buckle under police interrogation.
4) Sometimes, an earthquake can make a bridge buckle.
5) People should learn to buckle up as soon as they get into a car.

58. File

1) You will obtain the paper in the file under C.
2) I need to file an insurance claim.
3) The cadets were marching in a single file.
4) File your nails before you apply nail polish.
5) When the parade was on, a soldier broke the file.

Directions for ques. 59 to 62: In every question, there are 5 phrases. every has a pair of words that are italicized and highlighted. From the italicized and highlighted words, choose the most improper words (A or B) to form accurate phrases. The phrases are followed by choices that indicate the words, which may be opted to correctly complete the set of phrases. From the choices given, select the most improper one.

59. Anita wore a beautiful broach (A)/brooch (B) on the lapel of her jacket.
If you want to complain about the amenities in your neighbourhood, please meet
your councillor (A)/counselor(B).
I would like you advice(A)/advise (B) on which job I should select.
The last scene given a climactic (A)/climatic (B) ending to the film.
Jeans that flair (A)/flare (B) at the bottom are in fashion these days.

60. The cake had lots currents (A)/currants(B) and nuts in it

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