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Nalanda Open University 2008 M.B.B.S Medicine MCI medical entrance - Question Paper

Sunday, 09 June 2013 05:20Web
a) relationship ranging from employer and employee
b) working envoirnment
c) manager control
202) Which of the subsequent Reovirus affects nervous system
a) kind A
b) kind B
203) HIV virus affects
a) CD4+ cells
b) CD8+cells
c) T-cells
d) B-cells 204) a few medium of 2 names begins with 'S' ------ . -------- used to diagnose ---
a) Leishmania
b) trypansoma cruzi
c) toxoplasma gondi
205) All of the subsequent r arthropod borne diseases other than
a) West Nile fever*
b) yellow fever
c) Lassa fever
d) malaria.
207) Cyclops r obtained in life cycle of
a) toxoplasmosis
b) dracunculosis
208) All r the gram -ive anaerobic except- clostridium welchii
209) All r yeast like fungi except---- candida, cryptoccous, blastomyces,------------- .
210) All r subcutaneous fungal infections other than
a) sporothrix
b) madura
c) blastomycosis
d) ----------
211) All belong to a few fungal family starting with 'R' other than - sorry can't recall options (
212) After a bee sting the reaction occurred is mediated by
a) IgA
b) IgE
c) IgM
d) IgG .
213) Just behind body of sternum passes-
a) ascending aorta
b) arch or aorta
c) descending aorta
d) esophagus*.
214 )Choice of operation for pleomorphic adenoma-
a) total parotidectomy
b) superficial parotidectomy
c) total parotidectomy with lymph node dissection
d) -----
215) Most radiosensitive cycle is
a) ----
b) G1-S
c) G2-M
d) G0-G1
216) Cushing syndrome can be caused by /presents as a feature of -- pancreatic carcinoma, gall bladder carcinoma, small cell carcinoma of lungs,------------- .OR Ectopic ACTH is secreted by-----pancreatic carcinoma, gall bladder carcinoma, small cell carcinoma of lungs
21) Methyl maloynl acid in urine suggests
a) ---
b) Folate deficiency
c) Vit B six deficiency
d) Vit B 12 deficiency .
218) Most useful stain for amyloid protein is -Congo red OR how does Congo red stain indicates on amyloid- apple green bifringence .
219) Adson test is positive in
a) ---
b) Superior vena cava syndrome

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