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Manipal University 2003 Post Graduate Diploma Medical pre MANIPAL PG . - Question Paper

Saturday, 26 January 2013 03:55Web
a. reduced fetal weight
b. decrease trauma to fetus
c. Conjugate and store hormones
d. All of the above
141. actual about medullary carcinoma of thyroid is all
of the subsequent other than
a. Arises from parafollicular cells
b. APUD tumor
c. Familial association with parathyroid
adenoma’s and pheochromocytoma’s
d. Intense lymphocytic infiltration
142. Best prognosis is seen in which of the subsequent
thyroid carcinoma’s
a. Papillary
b. Follicular
c. Medullary
d. Anaplastic
143. KFD is transmitted by
a. Soft tick
b. Hard tick
c. Mosquito
d. Body louse
144. Supraclavicular lymphnode involvement is
commonly seen in
a. Primary lymphoma’s
b. Stomach and lung cancer
c. Lateral 1/3rd tumors of tongue
d. Tumors of the ear
145. In a 48 year old patient the serum osmolality was
obtained to be low. His serum sodium was 120 meq/l.
To make a diagnosis of SIADH which of the
subsequent would be consistent
a. Persistently urine osmolality<300 mosm
b. Serum potassium six mmol/l
c. Presents with nocturia
d. Collapse of right apical lobe on X-Ray
146. Uncinate fits are commonly preceded by
a. Visual hallucinations
b. Unpleasant olfactory sensations
c. Feeling of unreality
d. Auditory hallucinations
147. The olfactory tract ends by passing through which
of the subsequent
a. Medial olfactory striae
b. Lateral olfactory striae
c. Diagonal band of broca’s
148. Mondor’s disease is
a. Terratoma of the mediastinum
b. Thrombophlebitis of the breast vessels
c. Associated with renal carcinoma
d. None of the above
149. The origin of the medial epiphyseal centre is
a. three years
b. seven years
c. 11 years
d. 5years
150. Which of the subsequent peptides antogonizes the
actions of insulin
a. Neuropeptide Y
b. Growth hormone
c. Substance P
d. Vasoactive intestinal peptide
151. The discovery of the small pox vaccination is
credited to
a. Pasteur
b. Jenner
c. Lister
d. Koch
152. The audiometry in noise induced hearing loss

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