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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2001 Post Graduate Diploma PG - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:25Web
95) A 30 year old male, subsequent excision of the
3rd molar for dental caries presents with trismus,
fever of 39.50 and swelling pushing the tonsil
medially and spreading laterally posterior to the
middle sternocleidomastoid. The diagnosis is
a) parapharyngeal abscess b) retropharyngeal
abscess c) Ludwig’s angina d) submental abscess
Ans (a)
96) A 20 year old male, subsequent a road traffic
accident was brought to the casualty. His right leg
is shortened, internally rotated and adducted. The
diagnosis is
a) fracture neck of femur b) anterior dislocation of
the hip c) posterior dislocation of the hip
d) trochanteric fracture of the femur
Ans (c)
97) An eight year old boy presents with a gradually
progressing swelling and pain since six months over
the upper tibia. On Xray, there is a lytic lesion
with sclerotic margins in the upper tibial
metaphysis. The diagnosis is
a) Osteogenic sarcoma b) Osteoclastoma c)
Brodie’s abscess d) Ewing’s sarcoma
Ans (c)
98) An eight year old boy with a history of fall from
10 feet height complains of pain in the right ankle.
Xrays taken at that time are normal without any
fracture line. But after two years, he developed a
calcaneovalgus deformity. The diagnosis is
a) undiagnosed malunited fracture b) avascular
necrosis talus c) tibial epiphyseal injury
Ans (c)
99) A six year old boy has a history of recurrent
dislocation of the right shoulder . On examination,
the orthopedician puts the patient in the supine
position and abducts his arm to 90 degrees with
the bed as the fulcrum and then externally rotates
it but the boy does not allow the test to be
performed. The test done by the orthopedician is
a) apprehension test b) sulcus test c)
Ans (a)
100) Regarding bone remodelling, all are actual
a) osteoclastic activity at the compression site b)
osteoclastic activity at the tension site c)
osteoclastic activity and osteoblastic activity are
both needed for bone remodelling in cortical and
cancellous bones d) osteoblasts transforms into
Ans (?)
101) A child is spinned around by his dad by
holding both hands. While doing this the child
started crying and does not allow his dad to
touch his elbow.The diagnosis is

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