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Manipal University 2000 Post Graduate Diploma Medical pre PG ENTRANCE - Question Paper

Saturday, 26 January 2013 04:05Web
Ans: (b)
15. Vaccination not provided in pregnancy is
a. Rubella, b. Hepatitis B, c. tetanus, d. Typhoid
Ans: (a)
16. Most common nosocomial infection is
a. UTI, b. respiratory, c. skin, d. Gastrointestinal
Ans: (a)
17. HDV is
a. Complete virus, b. Incomplete virus, c. partial virus, d. Total virus.
Ans: (b)
18. H pylori causes
a. 90% duodenal ulcer, b. 95% gastric ulcer, c. 65% duodenal carcinoma, d. 40% duodenal ulcer.
Ans: (a)
19. In a patient with heart rate of 40/minute P wave is absent and QRS complex is normal probably patient must be having
a. Atrial fibrillation, b. Incomplete AV block, c. Ectopic pacemaker, d. Sinus arrythmia.
Ans: (a)
20. Regarding toxoplasmosis all are actual other than
a. 50% of infants are infected in 1st trimester, b. 65% fetus involved in third trimester, c. Perinatal mortality rate is 5-10%, d. IgM is seen in 80% of mothers.
Ans: (a)
21. In CML all are provided other than
a. Melphalan, b. Busulphan, c. Interferon, d. Hydroxyurea
Ans: (a)
22. Treatment of option for pneumocystis carinii infection is
a. Cotrimazole, b. Rifampin, c. Trimethoprim only, d. Interferon Alpha
Ans: (a)
23. Indicators of internal malignancy are all other than
a. Acanthosis nigricans, b. Trosseau’s sign, c. Trosier’s node, d. Spider Angiomas.
Ans: (b)


1. Best way to investigate Hemobilia is
a. PTCA, b. Angiography, c. USG, d. ERCP
Ans: (b)
2. All of the subsequent predispose to cholangiocarcinoma other than
a. Previous Cholecystectomy, b. Sclerosing cholangitis, c. Choledochal cyst, d. Inflammatory bowel disease.
Ans: (a)
3. Regarding hirschsprung’s disease all are actual other than
a. Affected segment will be dilated, b. Auerbach’s and meissner’s plexus are absent, c. Entire colon is rarely involved, d. More common in females.
Ans: (d)
4. Which of the subsequent is most common complication after appendicectomy
a. Wound infection, b. Fecal fistula, c. Subphrenic abcess, d. Portal pyemia
Ans: (a)
5. Regarding Hutchison freckle which of the subsequent is actual

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