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Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies 2009 CBSE CLASS X (ENGLISH ) - Question Paper

Saturday, 19 January 2013 07:10Web
(a) Fire stands for greed, conflict, fury, intolerance, hatred. (Any one) 1
(b) Ice stands for insensitivity, coldness, indifference, rigidity (any one) 1
a,b,a,a,)................................ fire a
................................ ice b
................................ desire a
................................ fire a
(c) He hates insensitivity and indifference of the people which is represented
by ice. 1
17. (a) It comes quietly like a cat 1
(b) He is helpless 1
(c) because it is half dazed and unable to have vitality of a healthy tree. 1
18. - Realization of his mistake
- took greater interest in experiments
- continued his work meticulously
- won many other prizes.
content - 4
expression - four 8
- Matilda’s constant discontentment
- her sense of frustration
- borrowing the diamond necklace
- forgetful about the diamond necklace
- Had to buy a new necklace
- Inability to tell the truth to her friend.
19. - Bholi got love here
- No body hated or insulted her 4
- Because there were books about every thing. They illustrated, educated
punctuated and decorated.
20. - Because he was unable to move 3
- Because Lutkins himself befooled him and took him to various places.
No. Expected ans / Value Points No
Class X
Time: three hrs Max. Marks: 100
General Instructions:
a. This paper consists of 4 sections:
i. part A studying 20
ii. part B Writing 20
iii. part C Grammar 15
iv. part D Text Books 45
b. All ques. are compulsory.
c. Marks are indicated against every ques..
part A- studying
1. learn the passage provided beneath and ans the ques. that follow:
As we alighted from the plane onto the tarmac of 1 of the smallest international
airports in the world, a picture perfect sight greeted us. A quaint airport terminal
surrounded by green mountains, so tranquil and beautiful even on a wet, grey
morning, it simply took our breath away. We had landed in the kingdom of Bhutan
one of the most isolated nations in the world with more than 70 percent of the harsh
terrain under forest cover.
Our holiday was luxurious enough for the 1st couple of days in Thimpu and Paro.
We saw the national animal, the Takin and the Dzongs that serve as the administrative

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